"); if ($err_array[$fieldname]) { print (""); }else{ print (""); } } function check_required($required,$fieldname){ global $err_array; if (in_array($fieldname,$required)){ if ($_POST[$fieldname] == ""){ $err_array[$fieldname] = "Sorry $fieldname is required.
"; } } return $err_array; } if (!function_exists("stripos")) { function stripos($str,$needle,$offset=0) { return strpos(strtolower($str),strtolower($needle),$offset); } } if ($submit){ // do some testing? if ($email != "" ){ $email = trim($email); if(!ereg("([_a-z0-9A-Z\d\-\.]+@[_a-z0-9A-Z\d\-]+(\.[_a-z0-9A-Z\d\-]+)+)",$email,$regs)){ $err_array[email] = "Sorry your email address ($email) doesn't appear to be valid
"; } } $nasties[] = "Content-Type:"; $nasties[] = "To:"; $nasties[] = "Cc:"; $nasties[] = "Bcc:"; // lets check all the fields foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ $$key = $value; // Annoying URL spams in comments any field $http = substr_count($value, "http"); $href = substr_count($value, "href"); $url = substr_count($value, "[url"); if ($http > 1 OR $href > 1 OR $url > 1){ $err_array[$key] = "Sorry That looks a bit spammy. Rewrite it please.
$key - $http $href $url"; } foreach($nasties as $nasty){ if(stripos($value,$nasty) !== FALSE){ // die or report $err_array[$key] = "Error No need for $nasty in $key."; } } // Check if the field is required check_required($required,$key); } // hard coded testing list form fields for CR and LF characters - all the fields that SHOULDN'T have them in if (eregi("\r",$crlftest) || eregi("\n",$crlftest)){ // die or report $err_array[] = "Error One of more fields has a suspect content."; } if (eregi_replace("\?.*", "", $HTTP_REFERER) != $SCRIPT_URI){ // referer could be masked or via a translation script such as via google, so use at your own risk // die or report $err_array[] = "Error Referer is not from this page. Your form can not be sent. Please contact via the email link below."; } $err_count = count($err_array); if ($err_count != 0){ print ("

Please correct the $err_count error(s):
"); while (list($index,$value) = each($err_array)){ print ("$value
"); } print ("

"); } if ($err_count == 0){// no errors send message reset($HTTP_POST_VARS); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ $$key = $value; $message .= "$key:\n$value\n\n"; } if($send_server_data){ $message .= "\n\nSERVER:\n"; foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value){ $$key = $value; $message .= "$key:\n$value\n\n"; } } $email_headers = "From: $email\n"; @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $message, $email_headers); print ("

Thank you $name.

"); } } if (!$submit OR $err_count != "0"){ print ("

Please use the form to send us a message.

"); } print ("
"); print ("\n"); table_errs($err_array, "name"); print ("Your name: \n"); table_errs($err_array, "email"); print ("Your email (required): \n"); table_errs($err_array, "comments"); print ("Your comments\n"); table_errs($err_array, "hear_about_us"); print ("How did hear about us?\n"); print ("\n"); if (!$submit OR $err_count != "0"){ print ("\n"); }else{ print ("\n"); print ("\n"); } print ("
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Contact form from Liam Delahunty's Hints and Tips
"); print ("
"); ?> $encoded

"); ?>