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Good Old Netscape, they release a new browser (6), claim all sorts regarding compliance with the standards and then I find that in style sheets Netscape 6 can't see tags in the style sheet with an underscore...

.netscape_fails {color: #336699;}
.netscapeNeeds {color: #336699;}

Thanks again Netscape!

Addendum: I stand corrected! A kind reader (Shaun) has contacted me with the following:

I see within your site you bemoan the fact that netscape claim w3c standards compliance but that underscores are not supported. I feel the need to point out that Netscape are actually correct as the W3C CSS standard does not support underscores.

So, Netscape are compliant, but couldn't they keep underscores anyway ... a method that enhances readability, and has been used be programmers for years...

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